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Legal documents > Partnership agreements
Accept option extension of agreement d845 1
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Acknowledgment of modified terms d846
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Acknowledgment of obligations d528
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Acquisition agreement d847 1
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Adhesion to the unanimous shareholder agreement d848 1
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Administrative and technology services outsourcing d849
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Administrative services agreement 2 d139
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Administrative services agreement 3 d5226
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Administrative services agreement d850 1
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Advertising agency agreement d1223 1
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Affiliate marketing agreement d12787 1
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Affiliate program agreement d743 1
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Affiliate purchase agreement d12818 2
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Agency agreement_corporate duties d851 1
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Agreement between carrier and shipper d1092 1
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Agreement between owner and contractor d142 1
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Agreement for chairman of board of directors d852 2
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Agreement for internet advertising services d744
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Agreement for outsourcing call center support d143
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Agreement for redemption of preferred shares d316
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Agreement for the subscription of shares d317 1
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Agreement for work change d144 1
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Agreement of absolute transfer and assignment of accounts receivable d177
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Agreement of movable hypothec without delivery d1131
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Agreement of purchase and sale of business assets d318
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Agreement of purchase and sale of business assets_short d319
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Agreement of purchase and sale of shares 2 d320
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Agreement of purchase and sale of shares by shareholder d321 1
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Agreement of purchase and sale of shares d322
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Agreement of transfer d935 1
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Agreement relating to an elected domicile d853 2
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Agreement to assign d936 1
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Agreement to compromise debt d385 1
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Agreement to compromise disputed account d178
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Agreement to extend debt payment d179
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Agreement to extend debt payment terms d386
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Agreement to lease d1164 1
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Agreement with provider of network services d5159
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Agreement with provider of network services d5187 1
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Alliance agreement_software d5176 1
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Amalgamation agreement 100 subsidiary d854 1
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Amalgamation agreement d855 1
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Amendment to sales contract d1224
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Announcement of partnership buyout d1384
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Apartment lease agreement d12760 1
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Api license agreement d12726 1
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Arbitration agreement d856 1
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Artist agent agreement d857 1
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Asset purchase agreement d928 1
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Asset purchase agreement_for a garage d929 1
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Asset purchase agreement_simple d859 1
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Assignment agreement d12542 1
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Assignment of contract d939
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Assignment of real estate contract and sale agreement d1157
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Assumption of risk on proposed name d5188
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Attorney agreement d862 1
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Blanket purchase agreement d12819 1
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Board resolution approving sale agreement_sole director d5152
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Board resolution approving unanimous shareholders agreement d5153 1
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Branch management agreement to establish manage d148
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Bulk sale agreement d1231 1
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Business associate agreement d12650 1
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Business transfer agreement d12552 1
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Buy sell agreement d12611 1
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Catering contract d12731
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Cession of priority of rank agreement d396 1
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Cession of priority of rank agreement d396
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Chat room agreement d828 1
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Checklist_co branding agreement d745
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Checklist_contract terms and provisions d863
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Checklist_drafting joint promotion agreements d5216
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Checklist_drafting multimedia and technology licensing agreement d5177
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Checklist_partnership agreement d1233 1
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Checklist_pre incorporation agreement d1006 1
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Checklist_small business legal compliance inventory d864
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Checklist_website hosting agreement d770 1
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Cleaning service contract d12732
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Client and developer agreement d783 1
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Co branding agreement d746 1
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Commission split agreement d12729 1
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Computer lease agreement d1138 1
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Conditional sale agreement d1235 1
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Confidential information agreement d818 1
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Confidential information exchange agreement d784
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Confidentiality agreement d950 1
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Confidentiality agreement for consultants contractors d949 1
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Confirmation of purchase agreement d1425
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Consignment agreement d867 1
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Consortium agreement d12866 1
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Consultant non disclosure agreement d153
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Consulting agreement long d12543 1
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Consulting agreement with sharing of software revenues d785
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Contract for logistics services d868
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Contract for the manufacture and sale of goods d1236
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Contract for the sale of goods d1237
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Contract for the storage of goods d869
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Contract of sale of commercial property d1169
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Contract purchase agreement_check name d12822
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Convertible note agreement d870 1
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Copyright license agreement d12742 1
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Cover letter_employment agreement d533 1
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Custom software business partnership agreement d786
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Custom software development agreement d787
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Customer confidentiality agreement d951 1
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Dealership agreement d1238 1
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Debenture_ pledge agreement d467 1
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Decline extension of agreement d873 1
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Development agreement_general d789 1
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Development agreements_multimedia publisher d5174
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Development and publishing agreement d5190 1
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Dissociation agreement d12651 1
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Dissolution of subsidiary agreement d5191 1
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Distribution agreement d12544 1
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Distribution agreement_software and multimedia d790
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Earnout clauses agreement d329 1
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Email disclaimer d12652
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Employee reference release agreement d674
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Employee separation agreement d12842 1
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Employee stock option agreement d12613
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Employment agency agreement d157 1
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Employment agreement_executive with car allowance d542 1
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End user software license agreement d791
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End user software license agreement_b2c d792
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Equipment and leasehold improvements lease agreement_long d1139
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Equipment lease agreement d1140 1
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Equipment lease agreement_long d1141 1
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Equipment lease agreement_short d1142 1
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Equipment lease agreement_with option to purchase d1143
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Equipment loan agreement d12843 1
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Equipment maintenance agreement d1144 1
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Equipment placement agreement d773 1
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Equipment purchase agreement d1146 1
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Equipment sales agreement d1147 1
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Equipment use agreement d12844 1
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Escrow agreement d1173 1
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Exchange of shares agreement d330 1
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Exchange of shares agreement_long form d331
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Exclusive commission agreement d12825 1
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Exclusive contractor agreement d12807 1
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Exclusive distribution agreement d1240 1
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Exclusive lease agreement d12808 1
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Exclusive management agreement d12826 1
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Exclusive negotiation agreement d12827 1
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Exclusive partnership agreement d12809 1
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Exclusive sales agreement d12810 1
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Exclusive software distribution agreement d5179
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Exclusive vendor agreement d12811 1
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Exclusivity agreement d12830 1
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Extension of agreement d875 1
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Financing agreement d877 1
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Financing agreement_short d470 1
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Finder s fee agreement d12699 1
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First supply agreement d1243 1
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Forbearance agreement_with release provision d878 1
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Founders agreement d12653 1
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Franchise agreement d879 1
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Free linking agreement d747 1
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Fulfillment services agreement d159 1
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Fundraising agreement d881 1
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General conveyance agreement_moveable immoveable d332
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General conveyance agreement_wind up d333
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General non compete agreement d882 1
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General release and settlement agreement d12554 1
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Guarantee agreement d5194 1
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Hold harmless agreement d12882 1
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Hosting agreement d774 1
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House rental agreement d12768 1
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How to create a joint venture d12563
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Indemnification agreement_for directors d480 1
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Indemnity agreement d885 1
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Independent contractor agreement d160 1
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Independent contractor agreement_for programming services d820
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Influencer marketing agreement d12851 1
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Instagram influencer agreement d12869 1
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Installment payment agreement d217 1
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Inter company services agreement d886 1
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Interview confidential disclosure agreement d582
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Invention assignment agreement d12691 1
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Ip sale agreement d964 1
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Ip sale agreement d964 2
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It systems hr management services agreement d161
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Joint development agreement_standard d887 1
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Joint venture agreement 2 d888 1
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Joint venture agreement d889 1
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Letter of agreement_master professional services agreement d5195 1
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Letter of direction_payment of acquisition price d5196
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Letter of intent commodity d12545
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Letter of intent commodity d12654
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Letter of intent d12655
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Letter of intent_acquisition of business d5197
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Letter of interest d12656
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License agreement d1180 1
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License agreement_contract of license_right to customer d1023 1
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License agreement_long form d1020 2
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License agreement_multi users d1021 2
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License agreement_non exclusive license to manufacture d1245 1
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License to use agreement d1149 1
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Licensee oriented software license agreement d794
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Licensor oriented software license agreement d795
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Limited partnership agreement 2 d1009 1
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Limited partnership agreement d891 1
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Limited partnership agreement_long form d1011 1
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Llc investment agreement d12832 1
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Llc operating agreement d5209 1
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Loan agreement_stockholder to corporation d418 1
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Management and administrative services agreement d164
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Manufacturer representative agreement d12727 1
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Manufacturing agreement d12795 1
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Manufacturing and supply agreement d12833 1
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Manufacturing distribution agreement d5198 1
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Manufacturing quality agreement d12834 1
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Marketing agency agreement d12852 1
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Marketing agreement d12796 1
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Master franchise agreement d892 1
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Master services agreement d12657 1
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Mechanic lien d12658
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Mediation agreement d893 1
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Mediation agreement short d12700 1
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Mediation and arbitration agreement d676 1
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Memorandum of cooperation d12547
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Memorandum of understanding d12548
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Merchandising and marketing agreement d1247 1
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Merger agreement d12659 1
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Month to month lease agreement d12660 2
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Mou strategic partnership agreement d12872 1
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Moveable hypothec agreement d990 1
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Mutual confidentiality agreement d954 1
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Mutual non disclosure agreement d955 2
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Non disclosure agreement nda d12692
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Non disclosure agreement_beta tester d798
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Non disclosure agreement_prospective licensee d799
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Non disclosure and non compete agreement d552 1
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Non exclusive distribution agreement d12744 2
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Non exclusive teaming agreement d12836 1
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Non exclusive teaming agreement d12836 2
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Note purchase agreement d433 1
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Notice of dissolution_partnership d895
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Notice of grant of stock option d896
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Notice of intent to exercise options to acquire partnership interests d5164
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Notice of withdrawal from partnership d12668
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Novation agreement d12890 1
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Oem agreement d12661 1
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Oem distribution and license agreement d5200 1
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Oem reciprocal license agreement d5201 1
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Offer to purchase shares agreement d334
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Offer to purchase shares agreement_venture capital d335 1
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Offer to purchase shares agreement_venture capital d335
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Offering memorandum_limited partnership d1012
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Online promotion agreement d748 1
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Online subscription agreement d837 1
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Operating agreement d12798 1
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Option to acquire partnership interests d5227
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Option to buy agreement d336 1
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Outsourcing agreement_manufacturing d898 1
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Partnership agreement d12551 1
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Partnership agreement_short form d900 1
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Partnership buyout agreement d12708 1
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Partnership dissolution agreement d901 1
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Patent license agreement d967 1
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Payment agreement d12662 1
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Payment plan agreement d12663 1
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Personnel and equipment agreement d902 1
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Phantom stock agreement d12853 1
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Photography contract d12664
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Pledge agreement_advance d903 1
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Pledge agreement_debenture d904 1
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Post employment information release agreement d679
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Power purchase agreement d12873 1
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Pre incorporation agreement d1013 1
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Preferred stock purchase agreement d12854
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Press release_new partnership collaboration d1404
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Product supply agreement d1250 1
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Purchase agreement d12670 1
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Purchase agreement short version d12669 1
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Purchasing agents agreement d1251 1
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Put option agreement d339 1
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Real estate salesman independent contractor agreement d1198 1
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Record label agreement d12837 1
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Referral fee agreement d12730 1
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Release of lien d12665
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Rent to own agreement d12666 1
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Repurchase agreement_equipment d1153 1
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Repurchase of accounts receivable agreement d290
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Reseller agreement d5202 1
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Restricted stock purchase agreement d12855
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Restrictive covenants for employment agreements d555 1
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Retainer for attorney d905
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Right of first refusal agreement d5157 1
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Rolllover agreement_assets d907 1
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S corp operating agreement d12800 1
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Saas license agreement d12858 1
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Saas reseller agreement d12728 1
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Saas service level agreement d12859 1
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Saas software license agreement d12860 1
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Sale agreement for international goods d12553 1
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Sale of shares agreement d340 1
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Sales agency agreement d1254 1
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Security agreement and promissory note d912 1
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Security agreement d915 1
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Security agreement with copyright as collateral d914 1
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Senior advisor agreement d170 1
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Seo services agreement d12861 1
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Separation and release agreement d524 1
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Service level agreement d778 1
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Services agreement_with royalties or commission d171
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Settlement agreement d916 1
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Severance agreement over 40 d12862
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Severance pay agreement d12863 1
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Share purchase agreement_deemed dividend d342
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Share subscription agreement_private_long form d343
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Share subscription agreement_venture capital d344
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Shared equity agreement d12875 1
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Shareholders agreement d1016 1
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Shares transfer agreement_short d346
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Software development and consulting services agreement d800
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Software development and license agreement d801
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Software development and publishing agreement d802
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Software distribution agreement _long form d803
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Software distribution agreement d804 1
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Software maintenance agreement 2 d779
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Software maintenance agreement d805 1
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Software maintenance agreement_var d780
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Solemn declaration d917
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Source code escrow agreement d806
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Source code license agreement d807
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Source code license agreement_short form d809
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Source code trust agreement 2 d810
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Source code trust agreement d811
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Source code trust agreement_development d812
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Sponsorship agreement d5203 1
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Standstill agreement d5204 1
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Stock purchase agreement d349 1
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Stock subscription agreement d350 1
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Strategic alliance and supply agreement d5205 1
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Subordinated loan agreement d12877 1
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Subordination agreement to secured debt d410
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Subordination agreement_long form d424
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Subordination agreement_private companies d425
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Supply agreement d918 1
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Teaming agreement d12705 1
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Technology transfer agreement d919 1
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Termination of distribution agreement d1257 1
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Terms and conditions d12667
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Terms of service agreement d920 1
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Time and materials consulting agreement d175 1
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Time and materials consulting agreement d175
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Toll manufacturing agreement d12840 1
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Trademark license agreement d5230 1
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Transfer agreement_intercompanies d921 1
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Travel services agreement d923 1
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Trial software license agreement d815
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Undertaking of indemnification director d924
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Vehicle lease agreement d12694 2
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Vendor oriented software license agreement d816
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Video license agreement d12743 1
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Visitors non disclosure agreement d957 2
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Voting trust agreement d926 1
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Waiver and consent d927
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Web content partnership agreement d768 1
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Web site development and service agreement d5181
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Website cross sponsorship agreement d750
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Website design agreement d821 1
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Website design consultation agreement d822
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Website design non disclosure agreement d823
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Website license agreement d825 1
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Website linking agreement d751 1
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Website service agreement_terms of use d840
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White label saas agreement d12865 1
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